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SOGIP Workshops | SOGIP WORKSHOP 2011 : Indigenous peoples : International developments, governance and legal issues, Paris, 29 June

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SOGIP WORKSHOP 2011 : Indigenous peoples : International developments, governance and legal issues, Paris, 29 June - 1 July 2011

SOGIP research programme has organised an international workshop in Paris from 29th of June to 1st of July 2011 entitled : "Indigenous Peoples : International developments, governance, legal issues". The workshop took place at EHESS, 105 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris .

The first day of the workshop centred on the following theme :"Historical trajectories and the recognition of ”Indigenous Peoples", firstly by questioning the general meanings of the terms : « indigenous peoples / pueblos indigenas / peuples autochtones ». Behind those categories : what is now considered acceptable?, how are those categories instrumentalized, what is their impact on Indigenous Peoples? Secondly the following topic was presented "Indigenous institutions and national legal traditions: articulations and contradictions".

The second day focussed on the theme "International Indigenous law today: Global, national and local scales". The first session dealt with : "Circulation and appropriation of international standards by the state apparatuses" and the second one : "Local mobilization of indigenous rights: actors, strategies, organizations".

The third day was organised around two round tables involving all participants : «The efficiency of law in Aboriginal Strategies: the construction of a globalized imaginary» and in the afternoon : «Does indigenous governance translate into well-being for indigenous peoples? resistance and contradictions».

To download the full program please click here

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